It is hard to persuade me not to go surfing. Neither weather conditions nor my family snide comments can discourage me from going to the seaside even if it means only short time of joy on the board. It was a good decision to spend the last two days of holidays on the Baltic although […]
Author: Magdalena Ewa Zuzanna
Sometimes mountains, sometimes lakes

Compromise is the word which I overused while planning the second part of holidays in September just to combine together two such different passions as trekking and SUP-ing. As a person who initiated latest water trips I found it appropriate to accept my companion’s needs.Both ideas – walking on the Izery Mountains and sharing two […]
Poole is cool!

It has been my fifth night in Poole, Dorset, and I still can’t believe that I wake up in my friend’s house. Confusion often appears when seeing your wish comes true. It makes you powerless and you really don’t know how to react in the situation.Such blackout of consciousness happened to me when I noticed […]
Another year, another cake

“Celebrating birthdays is a whim” – it was my mom’s saying which I heard when finishing 35. I didn’t agree with her opinion. I keep to my beliefs.I continue tradition organising a modest birthday meeting for my closest ones. My guests got used to situation that I take advantage to the event to catch up […]
Lovely and practically

„Broken!!! No, not legs! Nails! It’s time!!!It is how my phone talk with friend of mine, who has been the master for my nails stylisations for the last year, sounded like which I had after my coming back from SUP trip greeting this year Spring.Previously Magda convinced me to use the hybrid varnish on my […]
Planet Baltic SUP Race 2019

Excuse my short post today but I gave myself a few days of relax to recover my body and cool down emotions – still on after so active Saturday in Kołobrzeg. I find SUP races on the sea as the most exciting combination of sport and the water which I have had a chance to […]
Wind and Water

Going at the seaside during holidays it means that I’m crazy or have a good reason.14th edition of the Water Sports and Recreation Fair “Wind and Water on the water” was an event to which I broke my rules and decided to spend four hours in crowded and hot train. This time it was located […]
Luggage on board!

Floating on SUP is not the same as diving. Fallings into the water happen incidentally, the board rarely turns upside down. The luggage stays in the water for a short time in extreme situations. Nevertheless, having a waterproof (dry) bag is necessary to protect our belongings from both water and weather conditions (sun, rain, snow). […]
Resist the temptation

Remorse come to me in the most unexpected moments. I was preparing myself to go on the Baltic being dressed in a new summer wetsuit and carrying a new surfing board in my hand when doubts mixed my thoughts not so long ago but during the long weekend in June when.“What if surfing is only […]
Spring 2019

When I was a kid Summer was my favourite part of the year – you know several months of freedom, no school or learning, no much do – I usually spent at the Polish seaside.My season preference has changed with my age but not the destination.Since I got a job and started SUP-ing I appreciate […]