Autumn is special to me. Dynamic changes in the nature, colourful landscapes are advantages of launching the board at this time of the year. It is a race against time too. Every sunny, windless day is precious. That is why I can’t afford to have breaks in sport if I want to satisfy my SUP […]
Summer in two acts. Act 2

SEPTEMBER I spent the last day of August travelling to Great Britain which started my two-week holidays. September 1st,2019 I was already enjoying the morning on SUP on the English Channel in Bournemouth (Dorset). Sightseeing walking 111 km, 10 km SUP is a distance covered during my week’s stay at my friend’s place in Poole. […]
Summer in two acts. Act 1

If I had ability to travel in time – like Tim Lake, character of the romantic comedy “About time” – I would use it. And it is not about changing the past or getting to know the lottery numbers to win millions but my intention would be to live again special moments from the past. […]
Another year, another cake

“Celebrating birthdays is a whim” – it was my mom’s saying which I heard when finishing 35. I didn’t agree with her opinion. I keep to my beliefs.I continue tradition organising a modest birthday meeting for my closest ones. My guests got used to situation that I take advantage to the event to catch up […]
Spring 2019

When I was a kid Summer was my favourite part of the year – you know several months of freedom, no school or learning, no much do – I usually spent at the Polish seaside.My season preference has changed with my age but not the destination.Since I got a job and started SUP-ing I appreciate […]
Autumn 2018

I adore Autumn for the colorful values of nature which I prefer to admire while being on the water. Except cycling tours in the forest, water SUP rambles on the lakes in my neighborhood give me the biggest pleasure. I’m aware of the weather at this time of the year which determines my sport plans. […]
A big step in the New Year

I’m not a big fan of celebrating the New Year’s Eve. During last 5 years I was sleeping at the change of the years wishing myself not only speed up the moment of farewell the old year but also tranquilise anxieties about my future in the New one. Usually I spent that time in my […]
Pre – Christmas chillout

The house seemed to be abandoned when I was sneaking out in the morning. Pretty strange whereas yesterday ‘culinary meeting’ of 3 adult chefs and a small girl, which lasted till late hours. I was stopped in the hall by the smell of food coming from the kitchen which reminded me that 1 day was […]
Happy Anniversary

When getting round obstacles smoothly Boguslawa street with a cake in hand, wearing elegantly dress and high heels during Saturday morning (25.08.2018 r.) I realized that I feel stressed preparing “my blog birthday”. What if nobody comes? The defection entered my mind, possible canceling the meeting at the last moment would be an unforgivable faux […]
The first anniversary

I use the tram to get to work. I appreciate being fast and attractions delivered sporadically by a fussing traveler. I look at car drivers with satisfaction who stuck in a traffic jams and letting out words of frustration on fellow traveler innocent as a lamb. When I’m on the move sitting still, they stay […]