The New Year! New life!

I hoped for myself 2018 would be a year on which all things turn out in one good unit opening a bottle of champagne on New Year’s Eve. I wanted my life to hit the right track to let it reach the main station called “happiness”.
I didn’t wake up covered in sweat in the morning in January 2nd. I didn’t cry powerless because of willingness lack of going to work. I didn’t sit on my bed terrified by prospect of fight for myself in business life. Would the annual decreasing tendency be finally stopped?
I spent the first days of January without stress for the first time in many years. I was relieved realizing that my past life disappeared.
I hope that the next 12 months will become good time for me. I believe that it will be finally my year.
A new job, new aims, new challenges … New life! New me!

The New Year’s resolutions are like chocolates or cola light: brings you a moment of joy, makes you happy and lets enjoy the taste at the beginning. Later it becomes a curse and leads you into remorse.
Knowing myself I accept my weaknesses I set goals cautiously. Every year I would like to take care of myself especially my health. I always promise to pay attention to what I eat limiting – typically for women – carbohydrate intake. I let myself to eat Italian panatone cake, crisps and hamburger and chips once a month. Spending time outside, doing sports activities including increasing frequency and regularity of disliked by me exercises on spine and right knee are also added to the list. Every year I put efforts to develop my intellect, pick up new skills and play the piano more often.
I don’t set a schedule for the resolutions because I know how quickly discouragement and disappointment occur when we give in. Will anything happen when I drop 2 exercises from 4 weekly? Will anything happen when I bake 3 panatone cakes a month instead of 1?
I would rather think on a yearly basis. I prefer to develop healthy habits and learn well, conscious treatment of my own body and soul during 12 months. I don’t use calendars with fitness tips, intellectual mantras or daily tips. I motivate myself with the awareness that it is all about me: my happiness, well–being and condition. If I don’t take care of myself, no one else will do that for me.
I don’t find those resolutions sophisticated, hard to achieve or excessive. This are rather the rules allowing to keep a healthy lifestyle in harmony with my personality, according to idea CSH: Clever Strong Healthy.

The hardest New Year’s resolution in my life?
The last year one. I promised myself that I would not buy any new clothes for 12 months. I succeeded and I’m proud of it.

This year aim to achieve?
I will not buy any book during 2018. The ban doesn’t concern writings by Oriana Fallaci and Asli Erdogan. I would like to focus on the ones which have been waiting for being read for two years and follow collection created by my grandmother.

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