I didn’t expect the SUP board would become my life raft on which I was able to overcome a storm in my life which was like a revolution for me three years ago. Facing the consequences of my decisions on the one hand took a lot of my attention and time, on the other hand it cost dedication a lot. That is why I was looking forward to the moment when my life returns to calm waters and I would be able to devote myself to my passion without any limits.
A breakthrough came earlier this year.
Despite setting new challenges for myself such as participation in SUP Yoga and Fitness classes, learning surfing and taking part in the Planet Baltic SUP Race 2019, I didn’t feel fulfilled enough of this sport. It were SUP trips I missed for full satisfaction.
I became a fan of SUP tourism with an enormous appetite for traveling during my holidays in September. The opportunity to admire stunning cliffs of the southern coast of British Isles and the impressive hydrotechnical structures on the lakes in the south – west Poland from the decks of SUP boards turned out to be the most wonderful way of active rest for me which I can’t imagine my next holidays without.
Just like I can’t imagine running my blog without sharing the beauty of places and impressions from water trips with you. I have prepared a special category on my blog for this purpose, on which activate I have been delaying for over two years. I’m glad that I can finally announce its premiere.
I invite you to SUPLOG, so a logbook about my SUP board launchings in places worth seeing.