When I was a kid Summer was my favourite part of the year – you know several months of freedom, no school or learning, no much do – I usually spent at the Polish seaside.
My season preference has changed with my age but not the destination.
Since I got a job and started SUP-ing I appreciate the peace and tranquillity during my rest and relaxation. Nothing makes me happier than possibility of admiring from my board’s deck the nature waking up after winter sleep. Birds concerts, colourful plants buds, lush green grass and long days, warm evenings, allowing to practise sport with the light of the setting sun, are the impressions I look forward to experience them in Spring. I found it as the most beautiful and the best time for SUP floating.
Feel invited to my photo summary of events, challenges and moments which made this Spring so special to me.
When I was a child I said goodbye to Winter by ‘drowning of Marzanna’ (the pagan custom in Poland). I remember that I treated this ceremony very seriously being afraid that not fulfilling it wouldn’t make Spring to come. The vision of the world lasted in winter vibe till the rest of my life created in my head gave me the shivers that is why I was exclaiming the rhyme with big involvement:
„Marzanna, Marzanna
The winter lady
Move over to Spring
Get the hell out of here”
when I threw the straw effigy of woman to the water. Funny that I still remember it.
Now, being SUPGIRL, I call Spring up by launching SHARK on March 21th. Maybe it isn’t as spectacular and exciting as that one in childhood, but I believe equally strong that it will provide me favorable weather conditions to go to SUP.
This year the celebrating floating took place with two days delay. Photos show the weather conditions of grey water and sky.

I began mini vacation in Trójmiasto in the first days of April. The main reason why I went to the Pomerania region was the SSAB Hydrotechnical Conference in Gdańsk.
My trip schedule appeared to be overloaded by activities as for four days stay when I added social and blog ones – an interview with Małgorzata Cieplińska, winner of the women’s Planet Baltic SUP Race 2018.
However, I didn’t neglect to visit Gdańsk Old Town, where I always have a latte and cake in the Durkarnia café, walk to the pier in Gdynia Orłowo and watch the sunsets in Sopot.

Gdynia Orłowo


Many cups of coffee drunk on the beach in Sopot in the morning sun let me catch moments of motionless and relief. It was a pity I didn’t have my SUP board here. The weather was beautiful.

It was sunny in Norway too, where I went on my business trip in the second week of April. Temperature +6°C was enough for residents to wear t-shirts and shorts. When I was walking to work dressed in a winter outfit I saw kids with exposed arms and legs. I couldn’t look at it. I felt cold just staring at it.
My job allowed me to have free afternoons which I used for walks around the neighbourhood. I couldn’t wait to see how Kjennerudvannet lake looks like at this time of the year. Winter has left it’s sign with part of it covered by ice. The lake was still almost completely frozen. I was disappointed. I thought I would see the lake full splendor.

I caught up my SUP backlogs from mid – April spending every spare moment on lakes nearby or at the seaside. Although I tried not to complain about changing weather conditions, I was losing my patience when the weather worsen at the coming weekend.
I include sunrise and sunset on Stolsko lake, hydrotechnical trip to the Niederfinow ship lift initiated by Superka Gosia and admiring the sunken barge in Mescherin during a bit stormy weather as the most attractive SUP trips this year Spring.
Stolec, the Sunrise

Stolec, the Sunset



The Baltic Sea is the direction I always choose for the long May weekend. It has become a tradition for me to open the SUP seasons at the 380th km point of the sea coast.
I started this year one exceptionally with testing the SUP Surf 8’10” Whip board by Red Paddle Co from the King of Wake shop in Warsaw who let me use it.
I found surfing as very demanding sport which I started from overcoming fears and dark view in my head and getting my body used to cold water and air temperature not exceeding 10°C. Gosia Cieplińska was right: the first wetting is the worst one, then the wetsuit becomes a good insulator. Maintaining balance on the board was the most difficult part on which my surfing lessons got stuck for next few days. I had a problem to feel well on the equipment. I may compare my efforts to taming of a restive horse. Almost 90% of the actions ended in the water. I didn’t expect to experience so spectacular wipeouts.
Surfing, Day 1

Surfing, Day 2

Surfing, Day 3

No other sport exposed so many of my weaknesses as surfing. The first few minutes on the board were enough to discover that I’m afraid, nervous, not cold resistant and completely unprepared physically for such effort. But when I caught the wave for the first time, when I felt speed under the board… There are no words to describe this feeling. I was done. Surfing excited me so much that I bought myself Whip board as a present for my name day.
My happiness was endless on June 8th when I launched the new equipment for the first time.

I’m prepared to SUP in any weather conditions since I have a second board. I choose the Red Paddle Co board to surf on the rough sea while I do distance on SHARK board during the calm.
I find pleasure in floating along the shore although some people consider it as boring and unattractive. As a hydroengineer I think that the board’s deck is a perfect place not only to admire exposed cliffs and the shoreline changed after winter storms (check my favorite word coastal abrasion) but also to check whether any new water structures were built. Wooden breakwaters in Dziwnówek are a good example.

Flamingo Fabian – the new passenger on my board appeared during the Spring. As the result of having a SUP fellow my floating got a slightly humourous aspect which you may find on my Instagram profile @eohh_eu.

I would like you to finish today’s review of spring memories with this. I don’t want to absorb your attention longer. We are going to welcome the Summer in two days. I don’t know if you have plans for the long weekend but try to spend it actively on the water. I’m going to finish packing. I’m leaving soon. I wish myself and those travelling to the Polish sea endurance and patience in standing in traffic jams.