My desire to float on my board during off – season already a year ago was suppressed with one sentence: “No wetsuit, no SUP!” Let me use a comic to present the situation. I was naive thinking that teases would stop when I buy a wetsuit. The increasing of emotions which appear during every quarrel […]
Month: March 2019
Hello Norway!

Temperature minimum -10°C, snow, a lot of snow. Such forecast was shown by weather portals when I was preparing myself to a business trip to Norway at the end of January. My enthusiasm for the trip chilled a little bit while I was packing my suitcase putting inside not smart enough but warm clothes. Distracting […]

There is a place in Warsaw. It is enough to get to Gdański Bridge. And then take a direction to the north which shows the Vistula river flow. It is better to reach 1 km distance by foot. Only taking a walk along Zigniew Religa Boulevard gives you a chance to admire the nature in […]