Gdańsk is a perfect place to organise hydrotechnical conferences not only because of it’s location but above all the number and the value of investment programs implemented in hydroengineering sector there. The reconstruction of Port Gdańsk belongs to one of the most important in the region, no wonder that it was the most often invoked venture during this year’s edition of hydrotechnical symposium arranged by SSAB Poland Ltd.
On 4th April 2019, the conference room in “Cała Naprzód” restaurant, located on the IV floor of National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk, was a meeting place of designers, executives, investors and representatives of the scientific community.
Invited guests had an opportunity to listen to lectures related to designing and usage of steel piles in hydroengineering.

Aleksandra Burska from SSAB Poland Ltd. was the host of this event and opened the conference with presentation about combined walls with steel tubular piles usage.

A definition of section module Wx and it’s function in civil engineering was explained by Jerzy Drążkiewicz from Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego Projmors Ltd. (Offshore Designing Office Projmors Ltd.).

A presentation of Tadeusz Brzozowski, a representative of Keller Polska Ltd., entitled: “Geotechnical challenges relevant to deepening fairways in ports” was the most important part of the conference for me due to the occurrence of this topic for West Pomeranian region, i.e. modernisation of the Świnoujście – Szczecin fairway, implemented to the project “12,5 m for Szczecin “. I found that presentation extremely interesting and useful in outlining potential problems that may occur during running such type of investments.

The benefits of using of steel tubular piles in offshore projects, as shown in photos of Polish and foreign investments, were presented by Marcin Wróblewski from Strabag Ltd. company.

The subject of the conference was concluded by Ryszard Rippel’s lecture from Piletest Ltd. company which was about piles load tests.

The seminar ended with lunch during which the participants could discuss, share opinions and experiences.
A good attendance of this year edition of hydrotechnical seminar by SSAB Poland Ltd. showed a real interest of such events. I hope that it will become a permanent in a calendar of civil engineering conferences and will be a place of experts meeting to share experiences and supporting engineers in their professional activities on each level of their careers.