„Lubniewice a place you will love”
The town attracts tourists with a slogan suggesting to relax in the three lakes area located in Lubuskie, 130 km south of Szczecin.
The slogan is realistic for me because my love to this place came true for me once again.
The film „Sztuka kochania. Historia Michaliny Wisłockiej” reminded me about Lubniewice and gave the opportunity to commemorate places of my vacation in the Summer as a teenager.
Nostalgia grew, the more often I watched the film before January 5th, 2020 when I stood on the Woiński SPA Hotel beach with the board and paddle in my hands, ready to take a sentimental return on the Lubiąż and Lubniewsko Lakes.

Due to the time of the year I restrained my ambitions to adapt myself to the weather conditions. Sunday turned out to be the best day for floating and the only one without rainfall in the whole weekend. The sun was shining in the morning so I endured better the first hours of the trip before the air temperature exceeded 0°C.
The goal of the first stage of the trip was reaching the inlet connecting Lubiąż with Lubniewsko Lake, located about 1,7 km from the launching point. As soon as I got on the water I chose the north – west direction passing Wyspa Miłości Island on the right and the place of my rest 23 years ago at STILON Holiday and Recreation Center on the left. I was hoping that the high shores of the lake with forests would protect me from the wind. Unfortunately, I covered the next kilometers of the route along the southern shoreline. I couldn’t wait to reach the cove hiding the entrance to the inlet.
I remember the inlet as a magical place where two parallel worlds appeared. The water in this narrow canal reflected like a mirror the pure beauty of the nature. What was up, what was down? Which was the real one? It was easy to get lost in the illumination. I loved this view.
I was wondering if as an adult woman I would take this place in the same way.
I don’t remember only the bridge… Floating under it brought me a lot of fun. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. I got into another world at the end of which Lubniewsko Lake was opening. Words are not enough to describe the beauty of the nature there but I hope that my pictures show the uniqueness of this canal.

Due to the size of the Lubniewsko Lake (covering an area of over 2,4 km2) I decided to see only the northern part this time of the year, thus leaving myself unsatisfied as touristic deficiency to return to this place in more favourable thermal conditions.
As a consequence I planned 4 km route.
Frosty gust of wind smashed me when I left the inlet. I dreamed to get on the sun as soon as possible which shone above the treetops shortly after 11:00 am. I turned the board west. I started paddling against the wind which stopped when I reached the cove. Ice appeared on the water. Wooden platforms changed the landscape. Fallen and bitten trees in several places suggested the presence of beavers.
I decided to take a rest break in the northern cove of the lake. The wooden jetty was perfect. I looked around the area with a cup of tea in my hand. It was so peaceful, so quiet, so beautiful. I thought that this place must be really colourful in Autumn.

The break on the jetty relieved my tiredness. Time was flying so it was necessary to return to the Lubiąż Lake. I noticed a grassy bank on the right side when I entered the inlet again. I remembered that my mother always made a stop there, then we pulled kayaks ashore and each of us got something to eat and drink. Me and my sister stopped whining after such rest, the desire to cover next kilometers come back.
The way back through the canal took longer because I couldn’t resist admiring the beauty around me. The water was crystal clear. The presence of duck mussels on the bottom was a proof of water purity. It was shallow so I felt like getting off the board to be able to get to each place interesting to me. I was taking pictures like crazy. Sometimes I didn’t pay attention where the board was carrying me. Because of my recklessness I got tangled in the ivy and barely avoided being dropped into the water when SHARK’s nose hit the shore – two mishaps while filming one clip. Everything was recorded.

I floated to the POD BASZTĄ Recreation Center after leaving the inlet from where I could see the western part of the lake. However, an interesting construction of the building for water equipment caught my attention more. I let myself for a short break on the jetty. I ate chocolate bar and drank tea when looking around at the landscape with the Wyspa Duża Island on the foreground at the same time.
I decided to float along the northern shore of Lubiąż Lake heading east to reach the “Nowy Zamek” palace after 1,5 km. The shoreline, covered by trees and bushes, stayed natural up to the outskirts of the town. People were strolling in that beautiful sunny afternoon. On the town beach, which was empty the day before, it began to be noisy.
I was disappointed by the fact that the palace was closed to visitors and the area fenced. It means that I’m lucky that I had an opportunity to visit this place years ago. Eating ice cream on the terrace was the greatest pleasure for me.
I went further on the board to take as many shots of the object as possible. I floated under the Most Miłości Bridge to find myself on the southern shore where I could see the “Stary Zamek” palace connected to the Miłości Park by a brick bridge.

The last IVth stage of the winter SUP trip ended viewing the Palace Complex. I went back to the Woiński SPA Hotel along the southern shore of the lake looking at the town spread buildings. I reached the beach at 3:00 pm. I was on time. Despite five hours on the water I didn’t feel like getting off the board. I used the light of the setting sun to take photos in the area of the Wyspa Miłości Island. As a consequence, I covered that day 14 km in total.
And it was great!