My appearance in the Best Western Premier Hotel in Cracow at this time of the year means only one: participation in the conference “Geoengineering in Civil Engineering”.
Although I became a navigation systems designer in the maritime industry being a hydroengineer previously my development in civil engineering sector is still important. Therefore, after two years break I couldn’t resist attending this year’s, already IX edition, especially that the organiser – Wydawnictwo Inżynieria Sp. Z o.o. – made several changes to the formula of the event.
Yesterday it was possible to take part in the workshops of designing slab-and-pile foundations. It was a good idea to divide it into the theoretical and practical parts which let participants not only verify their knowledge but also consult problems with specialists.
The next two days are conference proceedings which representatives of scientific communities and companies discuss geotechnical issues in the field of cubature and civil engineering.
The subject of soil investigation seems to be unavoidable. A lot of attention is paid to it during this year’s meeting too. The influence of degree of soil investigation not only on designing works, technology selection and also success of investment was spoken about during the morning session.

Next the participants are presented with the papers describing about specific material and technology solutions based on particular investment projects. The issues as: slab-and-pile foundations design, deep excavations protection methods, embankments constructions on weak ground are discussed as well. Moreover, the topic about construction site impact on neighbouring buildings are developed. The integrated displacement measurement system SMARTSENSE for monitoring and control of the object during execution and use phases is presented by Polservice Geo Sp. Z o.o. company.
A gala during which the Titan 2019 awards are granted as every year takes place in the evening.
Geoengineering challenges brought by investments set in close urban sprawl are put forward during discussion forums planned for Thursday. I’m pleased that civil engineering has started paying attention to ecology. Therefore, it is worth participating in discussions regarding the use of local materials, also those available on the construction site, and material wastes from other industries.
Equally interesting is modern approach to designing based on the new Eurocode 7 generation and BIM (Building Information Modeling) – a tool for designing, branches coordination and contact with investors at every stage of investment implementation. I’m curious of opinions because the topics introduce a lot of emotions especially in the designing community.
Coffee break is the best time to visit exhibitor’s stands, such as: Keller Polska Sp. Z o.o., MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG, PPI Chrobok S.A. couldn’t be missed.
So sorry but I’m going to catch up branch rumours and technological novelties that appeared on the market during my two years absence.